Friday, November 26, 2021


                        πŸͺ¨  KURUP -KALLU πŸ’Ž

                                 (UGLY  STONE)


On the evening of August 1995 an AUGUST GATHERING was present at GOA , INDIA to honour an ultimate achiever an ARCHAEOLOGICAL LEGEND MR.SHIVA SHIGGAON for his lifetime work as an archeologist who had dedicated his work for his country and its HISTORICAL HERITAGE . As the evening progressed to starry night Chief guest honoured  MR.SHIVA and gave a speech about the archeologist's achievements and how the country is proud to have a citizen like him and how younger generations should learn from his work .Finally the archeologist Mr.Shiva gave his speech which included a heartfelt  thanks to his country and its government and to all the people who helped him in his work in all those 40 yrs of his career. 

As the program came to an end at 10.30pm after dinner ,Mr.Shiva got ready to bid good bye to the crowd and rush to the airport to catch his midnight flight ✈ to his home city  BANGALORE  along with his teen grand daughter NAINA who accompanied him on this trip of his lifetime work's celebration. 

As the archaeologist boarded the flight at 12 AM ,he made sure he sat down at a WINDOW seat with his grand daughter next to him.

Now as the grand daughter had taken a nap during the previous evening at the event she didn't get sleep and was awake with fresh face even at 12AM on the flight and ofcourse Mr.Shiva was also awake and ofcourse how can he sleep after such a wonderful evening. 

As the grandpa and grand daughter settled down and the flight took off,grand daughter started a conversation by congratulating her grandpa and asking him a question "THATHA (GRANDPA) you were felicitated for your life time's work just few hours back , how do you feel?".

Grandpa (Mr.Shiva) replied " Wonderful my child...I feel immensely Happy and Blessed."

Now NAINA asked her grandpa " THATHA I have seen so many movies and read so many books about Archeology and Archeologists, and many movies present them as some person or people who are specially blessed or lucky to have searched and found or unearthed historical things in our world ,and have  unleashed their mystery. Do you think it's true?"

Grandpa replied "To some extent we are portrayed in that manner ,but an archeologist 's work is not just fascinating its risky also ,it should also be kept in mind my child."

Now the teen continued" DO you think THATHA that everyone's life has a purpose ?"

To answer to this Grandpa smiled with his DENTIST'S awarded teeth and replied -" Let me tell you a story to make you understand this my smart child."

The grandpa started to tell a story from his past-" Now Iam 65 yrs old  but when I was around 26 years old  I was working on thesis for my post graduation to submit to my UNIVERSITY and had visited a village called Karadibetta a village situated between famous SAUNDATTI -GODDESS TEMPLE  town and SWEET PEDA CITY DHARWARA in North -Karnataka  ,a place suggested to me by my guide as it was village with BRITISH history, as many Britishers used that village as a headquarters to carry out their work, and as storehouse for their weapons and looted wealth from our country.

Grandpa continued as NAINA listened to him with curiosity-" I was given shelter at a village head's house as there were no lodges in that village.The owner's  name was Mr.Nagappa and he stayed with his wife Mrs.Ningi.They welcomed me with huge love and respect as they had no children of their own and were very happy to have me in their company ,for a short period of two days of my stay.Their house was a huge one, and was filled and mounted with old artefacts  on walls and ceiling.

The owner asked me to have breakfast as I had arrived very early morning of a Friday of  January month 1956 .I had breakfast and informed them about my arrival's purpose.
They told me to take rest and told they will call one of their friend Mr.SHEKAR  who will take me on tour of historical places situated in their  village which will be helpful for me.

I agreed and went to the small room they had reserved for me as guest room in their old and huge house to take a nap after long journey and tasty village styled breakfast on arrival -(JOWAR BUNS with pickle and curd)."

During this time the flight's ✈ attendant looked at the grandpa and grand -daughter duo and offered to bring them coffee for which the two nodded in YES.

The girl sipped on coffee ☕ and asked grandpa-" then what happened THATHA?"

Mr.Shiva continued " In the evening the old couple took me to their pooja home in their house and told to perform pooja to their Deity which would bring me good luck in my studies and work, and told me to break a coconut πŸ₯₯ as an offering to God on a Stone kept just outside their pooja home to which I abided and  broke a coconut on the Stone as an offering in a single shot and found that the coconut was off or spoilt inside to which the old lady exclaimed it is -"Good luck " as it is  said  if  the coconut is spoilt on inside it brings luck  in their religious belief, to which I took a breath of relief.

I then waited for their friend to come ,and evening  snacks were ready for us to savour ,and the tour guide- old lad Mr.Shekhar showed up.

We sat in veranda of the house and savored on  the snacks and evening "C H A"(tea) after customary introduction of myself to the tour guide.

I asked the old person "Mr.Shekharji I am really baffled about my UNIVERSITY guide 's decision to send me to this village for study πŸ“– for submission of  my thesis in Archaeology.As I don't know what is so special and what is  there in this small village of yours?"

To which the old man replied "let me tell you a story of our village and ofcourse about our younger days under BRITISHRAJ".

(Yes guys I'm Nolan of Writers "STORY INSIDE A STORY"...HE HE...)


Mr .Shekhar started his narration by churning Sunna and Thambaku (limestone and tobacco combination used as recreation in some Villages of INDIA )in his left palm with right thumb-

"Look son we were 4 friends or you can also call us freedom fighters -NAGAPPA , MYSELF , SANTYA and SHANKAR. We always stayed together from our childhood days ,and did everything together (old man Nagappa  giggled ,and the lady took-off from veranda and went into kitchen ). This house actually belonged to Mr.Shankar our beloved friend who passed  away in his thirty's and left us.Ok leave it ,before that we use to work as agriculturists and Santya had his own BLACK AND WHITE COWS πŸ„  which he milked to earn his livelihood ,and we rest  toiled in the  lands. 

We three once had got a news from our villagers that a new cart containing all the gold looted by British officials was coming to our village and it was supposed  to be kept safe at headquarters, which is actually Post office in today's time as it is a very big building in our village next to our bus stand in our village. 

We 4 friends planned to loot it as I wanted to be rich and santya wanted to buy more cows and Nagappa wanted to start businesses and our Shankar wanted to teach Britishers a lesson and also to take very good care of his wife Ningi ."

"But?"- I  interrupted and looked at both old men in confusion .

To which Nagappaji replied-

"Look son ,don't jump to any conclusions, coming back to story, we all 4 friends went to loot that headquarters on  one night of a NEW MOON 🌚   ,as we had got news that along with gold ,silver and other metals ornaments there was a DIAMOND which was stolen from a king of South Indian province which was worth lakhs in those Times ⏲  and also was  stored in that storehouse of head quarters along with other looted wealth. 

We all 4 decided that Santya will keep the guards outside storehouse occupied and will keep a watch ,and we other 3 will get into the storehouse from above of the building by removing tiles of the roof.

As we 3 jumped in at midnight ,the store was pitch dark and was filled with loot from various parts of INDIA .We all three filled up our gunny bags with the  looted  wealth ,and were about to escape when the guards heard the noise of our movements inside the store house and started-to-whistle to call other guards πŸ’‚‍♂️ due to suspicion of robbery.

Santya ran away ,me and Shekhar got out fast ,but our Shankar got caught by them and was shot down to death, and it was a big news for many days to come and Britishers held it up as an advertisement of punishment to those who crossed their paths."

Both old men took a deep breath and were silent for few minutes. 

As the old lady came back from kitchen and asked-" is your story narration over ?" 

And turned towards me and said -" see son tomorrow you go with Mr.Shekharji to that old storehouse and headquarters and look for anything which would help you in your studies."

And she told to her husband -" look ji take him to village market and to village's oldest Jain monastery,  and to your friend Santya's home and get back by dinner time."

To which old man nodded, and we all 3 left to market after few minutes. 

As I visited oldest Jain monastery with both the old persons accompanying me, I told to Mr.Shekharji to explain about its history and importance and made notes about it.

Later we all 3 went to Mr.Santya 's house ,as we entered his house a young lad who was Santya's son- Mr.Ram welcomed us.

As we entered in  we saw an old man with a broken arm lying  on a wooden bed ,with fragile body in Veranda ,who was introduced to me as Mr.Santya by the two old men I accompanied. 

By this time NAINA was tired and told to her grandpa -"THATHA I will lie back into seat and will listen to your story "

For this Mr.Shiva smiled to his grandchild and  continued his story.

As we three sat in Veranda of Santya's house we were served Nimbu Sharbat (LEMONADE) as we were tired of walking around the village. 

As we sipped on the drink, Ram asked -How is the drink?"

To which Mr.Shekarji replied -" It's elixir my son ,but not as tasty as out sister and Nagappa 's wife NINGI prepares ,what do you say Nagappa ,that's why Shankar called her with love Nim..."

"Shekhar!?!?" - Mr .Nagappa spoke with very  heavy voice and interrupted the line of Shekarji.

To that bedridden Santya replied " Let him speak  Nagappa ,everybody knows ,NINGI was married to Shankar but as he passed away ,you married her .To the world you are a hero who married a widow .But..."

Santya stopped.

And everybody looked at each other in silence. 

Mr.Nagappa broke the silence after few seconds with a laugh and announced to everyone- that we have to leave as his wife is alone at home, and we left Santya 's house after thanking for their hospitality. 

We dropped Mr.Shekhar to his house and came back to Mr.Nagappa's abode.Had dinner and went to bed.

Next day morning I woke up at 10 AM ,and again I was told to offer a coconut πŸ₯₯ as offering during morning pooja after taking bath,and I broke it over the same stone next to pooja home.This time it was a good coconut,and I was happy. 

The old lady gave me stomach full breakfast and ,then old man of the house took me to the biggest building in the  village or the old BRITISH Headquarters or present day Post πŸ“« office .
Where I made notes about its history and artefacts for about 6 hrs .

And later that evening we visited HANUMAN TEMPLE of the village near the oldest dwelling/ houses of the village.It is believed that in that place many bears 🐻 lived in the past in Lord Rama's period centuries ago ,thats why the village is called "Karadi"(bear) "betta "(hilly place).

The night πŸŒ™ went the same as previous day .and next day I woke up at 10 AM again and wanted to leave the place as early as possible as my work there was done and mosquitoes of the village had romanced enough with me.

I offered my prayers to God in pooja home of the house and offered coconut by breaking in one shot on the Stone.

The old couple were very happy with my good behavior ,and asked me to ask anything which they could give to me as a token of their reminder to me .

Now the sleepy grand daughter NAINA asked -" What did you ask the old couple THATHA?"

Mr.Shiva continued-

" I asked them if they could give me the STONE  next to their pooja home as I would keep it as their reminder, as I felt they were very pious and religious "

To which the old couple happily agreed and gave me the Stone which was around 3 kilos approximately but was very strong as it had not broken all those years to offering of coconuts. 

I packed my bags and books, and was ready to leave for evening train from the village to Bangalore at 5pm .

Mr .Shekhar also came to greet me good-bye at Mr.Nagappa's house. 

The old couple called their house help and told to get the cart ready as the old couple wanted to drop me personally to train station .

We reached the station and I got into my compartment and settled down on the window seat,so that  I can wave Bye- Bye to the old couple. 

The train was 15 mins late as many goods were being unloaded at the station.

The old man came near to window and said -
" Son we didn't pack you anything for the road ,let me get some idlis (rice cakes) available at station for you " ,and he hurried near the only old stall of the station.

The old lady came to the window and said - 
" Son have a safe journey.

But I'm  very impressed with your good behavior and manners ,your parents must be very proud of you.I am really surprised that you asked us for a STONE  as a reminder of your trip to our village."

The old lady wiped tears from her eyes.

I slid near to window to speak to the old lady and said -

" NIMBE NINGI !!!  it's me  your SHANKAR ,you may think it as a miracle or God 's will ,I m born again in this world to see yours and others pathetic life who all killed me without mercy just for some piece of DIAMOND stolen from that British Headquarters.
I know you ,NAGAPPA ,SHEKHAR and SANTYA killed me on that night of robbery .

Ningi was taken aback by the Archeologist's words and was speechless.

I  continued in my uncontrolled emotional outburst-

wipe those crocodile tears of yours ,after I escaped somehow from those Britishers and came back home ,you and other 3 waited for me to acquire the diamond and gold which was with me  ,but  as soon as I entered  the home I planted the Diamond near our pooja home and went up the stairs to my room, where you waited with other 3 for my arrival.And then tortured me to get the Stone, in the fight I broke Santya 's arm and you hit me with an old iron rod  over my head to which I fell unconscious and died.Then you married Nagappa the love of your life just after few days of your husband's death means my death.WHAT A CHARACTER YOU HAVE WOMAN?? YOU ARE THE WORST OF ALL THE 4 WHO KILLED ME. The Stone which I'm taking with me is the Diamond which I got from English men's headquarters that night. So I asked for it and as you guys didn't know about it you gave it away,thinking of it as an UGLY STONE of no value...."

"As I was about to complete my words ,train started and old lady looked in teary eyes towards me and fell unconscious after taking few steps back ,and Mr.Nagappa was stuck at IDLI stall and didn't come to meet me again as train left from station at a very fast pace... "- old man MR.SHIVA looked at his grand daughter for her reaction to this ,but to his surprise NAINA was in deep sleep and didn't listen to the ending of his REAL story.

To which Mr.Shiva slid near window of his flight ✈ seat with a smile to look outside at clouds in night ,as he did when the train  left KARADIBETTA to Bangalore years back ,telling to himself "somethings even Nature wants to keep as secret".




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