Saturday, June 3, 2023



                                                                      ๐Ÿ–Œ SHAAYI ๐Ÿ–Œ


 On a sunny afternoon of a friday of JANUARY 1995 , in a small bank in a village KUNDGAL (fictional) of KUNDGOLA TALUK of North Karnataka of India, the employees took to their regular lunch break between 2 to 2.30 pm and closed the bank counters.

Mr.KATAGHI was the manager of the bank ,Mr.PUJARI ,Mr.MENSINKAYI & Mrs.GEETA were the clerical staff ,Mr.SHEKHAR and Mr.BABU were the attending staff and Mr.SHERSINGH ex-ARMY soldier was the security guard of the bank, the Bank's name was DWDBI bank.

The employees took their stroll towards the Staff room where they opened their lunch boxes on a old wooden table which had the seating arrangement for 8 with old iron chairs.

Mr.KATAGHI asked the staff to finish their lunch as soon as possible as the new shipment of 10 lakh rupees was being sent to their BANK in the afternoon from their BANK's main Bangalore Branch.

Mr.PUJARI asked the manager to be calm down and have the food and leave the rest to the staff, to this Mr.MENSINKAYI also nodded his head in agreement.

Mrs.GEETA asked the manager to request the main branch people for a new locker for the bank as the previous locker installed was 30 yrs old and didnt have any advanced security lock system and had 3 key lock system with high guage IRON walls and doors.

As the clock ticked past 2.25 pm the staff got up after finishing their daily POTLUCK  and hurried to their respective tables in the main room of their bank, and the attenders then took their turn and entered the lunch room to have theirs.

Mr.SHERSINGH stood outside the main door of the BANK building,which was situated next to the main BUS STOP of the village. And the POST office of the villlage was exactly opposite to the BANK.

The TEMPO TRAVELLER from Bangalore with high security arrived in front of the BANK and the Stainless suitcases with the 10 lakh cash in different denominations were taken into the BANK.

Manager greeted the security personnel of the TEMPO TRAVELLER and asked them to escort the heavy suitcases to the LOCKER ROOM next to the main office room where all the Bank's money was present.

The MANAGER and Mrs.GEETA took the keys of the locker door which looked like a DOOR from ALI BABA's story from ARABIAN NIGHTS.

The cashbills was hoarded in their respective cash drawers of the locker and the door was closed and the staff returned to the MANAGER's table for the remaining formalities.

The TEMPO TRAVELLER security personnel asked the MANAGER to sign the shipment received ACKNOWLEDGEMENT so that they take leave and reach the city of BANGALORE before midnight.

The MANAGER asked the security personnel to have lunch at the small restaurant "HUBBALLI MANDAKKI" which was on the right side of the BANK, and also asked them to mention his name to the waiter so that their bill will be included in the BANK staff's monthly account book of the restaurant.To this the personnel left the BANK with a sigh of relief and happiness. Mr.SHERSINGH closed the main door of the BANK and stood with his service GUN by his shoulder near the entrance.

By 4.30 pm the clerical staff all finished up their work and submitted their daily work to the MANAGER and were getting ready to wind up the work for the day.

But Mr.MAHESHAPPA  one of the account holder in the BANK and who was the village panchayat head entered the BANK and went straight up to the MANAGER's table and asked him to help him withdraw 3000/- rupees from his account and sat on the old meshwound chair opposite to the MANAGER.

Manager told the village head -" Sir, we are about to close for the day. Can we do this transaction tomorrow first thing in the morning."

To this the head replied -" No Sir, it is very urgent as I need the money to buy groceries for the small function to be held at my home this SUNDAY.And also Iam here to invite you and your staff for the same."

To this the attenders Mr.SHEKHAR and Mr.BABU looked at eachother and slurrped their tongues imagining the prospective feast.

The MANAGER finally agreed to the VILLAGE head's request for the withdrawal and also gave his word that he will be attending the function on the SUNDAY with his staff.

The HEAD finally left the Bank with is money.

The young lad named THIMMA from the restaurant next to the bank brought the bank employees their regular evening TEA at 5.15 pm.The staff savoured the tea and started to lock all their table drawers and leave for home.

The MANAGER greeted the employees as they left and went to the main door and locked the main  door of the BANK with the two big locks of which one lock's key was with the SECURITY MR.SHERSINGH.

The same night Mr.Shekhar and Mr.BABU went to a local wine shop and had drinks and left to a local tent where usually new movies were showed by the local theatre people on every friday night.

After the movie Mr.BABU and Mr.SHEKHAR left the tent on the HERO cycle of Mr.BABU which he had brought from his home town SEEMAWADA (fictional town) of ANDHRA PRADESH state a year back ,but due to its overuse the cycle looked like it needed an ICU care.

On their way to their rented homes in the village of KUNDGAL Mr.SHEKHAR told to BABU - "HEY brother ,did you see the necklace Mrs.GEETA wore today in the office ,I hope one day I will buy the same kind for my wife."

To this BABU replied - " I think the liquor is too strong today for you.With the kind of salary we get we can only dream of such things but we cannot buy them."

To this SHEKHAR jokingly said -" Lets ROB the bank and leave the village my friend and we can settle anywhere in the world happily."

By now the two had reached Mr.SHEKHAR's house ,and BABU dropped him and told him to stop thinking such things as the BANK is the one which is feeding their homes and they are living a happy and respectable life.

To this Shekhar in half conscious state uttered to BABU that he knows HANAMESHA a local key maker from neighbour village who can help them with the keys and they can successfully rob the bank.

To this Mr.BABU nodded his head in disagreement and smiled at SHEKHAR and peddled towards his house which was half a mile away from SHEKHAR's.

On the next day i.e SATURDAY a half day for the bank all the employees of the bank reached by 9.45 AM so that they can finish their work and leave by 2pm in afternoon.

But to the surprise of the MANAGER ,the Village head entered the bank without even acknowledging greetings of Mr.SHERSINGH at the door and stood before the MANAGER's table.

The MANAGER asked the HEAD-" MAHESHANNA why are you at the bank so early today? Do you need more money for the function arrangements ?"

To this the village head with agony in his voice replied-" No Sir, I took all the money needed yesterday.But as I felt unwell last evening I thought I will return home and will buy the groceries today.And I kept my money in my small and secure almirah at my home.But there was a robbery at my home last night."

To this all staff and the people who had come to the bank for their banking work all looked towards the MANAGER and the village head with utmost surprise and curiosity.

The HEAD continued-" Yes Sir I need money.But not because it fell short but my hard earned money was robbed from my house yesterday night."

To this the MANAGER asked the village HEAD to settle down in the meshwound chair and offered him to drink some water.

The MANAGER then asked the village head to calm down and signalled his clerical staff to get the money from the locker and handed the Head's PASSBOOK to enter the new transaction.

One of the people who were in the BANK asked the HEAD about the unfortunate incident.

The HEAD then started to narrate -" I went back to my home last evening with the Rs 3000/- amount I withdrew from the bank and locked it in the safe of my almirah.And asked my wife to close all doors and windows of the house and went to sleep by 9pm.But today morning at 6am my wife came crying from kitchen to my bedroom and informed me that our almirah which is in the main hall of our house was wide open and all money was taken."

The Head after wiping his tears thanked the MANAGER for asking him to keep his GOLD in the BANK locker instead of his home which has saved him or else he would have also lost it in the robbery.

The MANAGER then asked the head-" Maheshanna kindly calm down and tell me whether you have reported this theft to the police?"

To this "The HEAD" replied -" No Sir, Once I leave from here I will be visiting to our TALUKA POLICE station to report about the robbery so that they can help me."

To this one of the person from the crowd in the bank yelled that THE Police will be of no use as this is the 3rd robbery in their village since last 6 months ,but the police has failed to catch the culprits.

To this everyone laughed in unision.

The MANAGER sshhed.. everyone and asked Mr.BABU to drop Village Head on his cycle to the POLICE STATION.

To this Mr.BABU nodded and asked THE HEAD to follow him outside.

The HEAD greeted NAMASTE to the bank staff and left with his belongings.

Then BABU dropped the HEAD to the POLICE station and told him-" SIR I will be outside ,you kindly finish the formalities and we can go back on my cycle as we came."

To this The HEAD thanked and entered the POLICE station.

There he saw Mr.NEGILUR- SUBINSPECTOR at his desk and two of  his constables at their respective small tables.

The Inspector greeted the village HEAD and asked him to sit and enquired about the yield in his land.

But the HEAD with fear and agony in his voice replied- "Sir I am lucky to be alive ,as there was a robbery at my house yesterday night and Rs 3000/- cash was looted.But to GODs kindness nobody was harmed."

To this the perplexed INSPECTOR asked the HEAD to head back to his house after filing his complaint, and informed that he would visit his place by evening for examination of the house for any evidence and further investigation.

To this one of the constable Mr.GANGU said-" AYYO ,first it was SOMA ,then the priest's house and now the VILLAGE HEAD ,what is happening in that village?"

To this the inspector looked angrily at his subordinate ,and asked him to go and fetch some water for the HEAD.

To this The HEAD after writing down his complaint said- Sir ,No need for that .Kindly do the needful for our village people so that we can be safe",and he left the police station with BABU on his cycle.

By now it was 2.30 pm and the bank employees were getting ready to leave their duties and go and enjoy the weekend.

While locking the door  of the BANK Mrs.GEETA said to the MANAGER -" Sir we should be extra careful till the thief is caught as he may even rob our BANK."

To this with a stern look on his face the MANAGER asked all his subordinates to be tension free and leave to their respective abodes.

By now BABU reached the outside of the BANK with the village HEAD.

The VILLAGE head informed the bank people- " Everyone of you please be there at my home tomorrow at 12 pm for the function.I hope the POOJA once performed tomorrow will keep the bad eyes of my home ."

To this all the employees nodded with surprise in their eyes and looked at eachother and left.

That evening at 6pm the COP  arrived on is BULLET bike with one of his constable for examination of the robbery site.

The village head and his wife greeted the COPS and gave them evening snacks ,and then asked them to have a look at the robbery site.

The COPS examined the belongings in the almirah one by one and to their surprise the lock was not broken but the lock was opened cleverly and the money was taken out of the almirah.

Then the COP asked the village HEAD where were the keys  when the robbery took place.

To this the HEAD replied-"Sir the keys were beside me near the pillow next to me on my bed and no one entered or left the bedroom as me and my wife didnt leave the room till 6am in the morning ,and we keep our room locked from inside during the night once we go to sleep."

The POLICE took all the evidence necessary and left the place.

The same night Mr.BABU paid a visit to the local wine shop for some liquor and was enjoying his drink with some CHAKNA on the side.

One of the person in the small shop started to blabber under the influence of alcohol -" Oh village people beware the village is under the dark watch of the thieves and you should be very observant of everyone or the whole village will be looted overnight."

To this few people started to talk among themselves that in all the robberies there was no breaking of the doors but all the robberies were cleverly carried out as if it was some clever ROOBER who is also may be a KEYMAKER.

At the very instance Mr.Shekhar arrived at the shop for his evening TONIQUE and looked at BABU and asked him to give the usual lift.

The next Day SUNDAY everyone gathered together for the POOJA at the village HEADs' home and even the COPS had arrived for the same .

The Village Pandit performed the rituals and everyone sat in the mainhall of the HEAD's home for the BANANA leaf meal which was organised.

During the feast the only talk among the people was about the robberies and how the POLICE are inefficient in catching the thieves.

The Cops left in frustration and the remaining villagers left with betel leaves and nuts in their mouth.

The BANK clerk Mr.MENSINKAYI while leaving the HEAD's house told all the people to keep their valuable belonging in their BANK locker like the village HEAD,which may help them in future.

The SUNDAY passed and the employees of the BANK entered the BANK at 9.45 AM on the MONDAY,but to their surprise a very bad news awaited them.

The NIGHT GUARD Mr.SOMA and the DAY GUARD Mr.SHERSINGH stood at the entrance of the bank locker room with their faces filled with fear.

The MANAGER shouted -"OH MY GOD." ,in agony and fainted.

The employees swiftly sprinkled water on the face of the MANAGER who fell unconscious.

Mr.BABU was asked to go and fetch the local Doctor.

And aftersome time the doctor arrived and the MANAGER woke up to the faces of his employees filled with fear and pain.

The BANK HAD BEEN ROBBED the previous night!!!

The COPS were dialed and they came running to the BANK.

The MANAGER gave the details and the COPS examined the robbery site ,and to their surprise the breakin was smooth with no locks broken.

The people of the village gathered outside the bank.And in few hours the talk had spread to the whole village.

Even few laughed at the BANK employees by yelling in anonimity-" You LOOSERS ,you asked us to keep our belongings in your BANK which had no proper safety of its own."

To this the BANK employees were covered with faces of shame and fear.

The MANAGER dialed to his MAIN headquarters in Bangalore and informed them about the incident.

The COPS informed the BANK people to shut the BANK till further orders.

The BANK people were asked to visit the POLICE STATION in evening for further questioning.

The COPS collected all the available information and evidence from the crime scene, and left to their abode.

That evening of MONDAY seemed like an evening of the DOOMSDAY for the BANK employees.

The S.I MR.NEGILUR examined the evidence and asked the bank employees one by one to enter the examination room to record their statements.

Firstly the night guard was called.

Mr.SOMA went in and he started to narrate the story-" Sir,Iam SOMA night guard for the BANK ,Iam a resident of the neighouring village and have been working for the BANK since last 3 yrs ,but last night to my surprise there was no such untoward event which took place ,but still the robbery was carried out under my nose without my notice."

SOMA also said-"Sir .If anyone has to be held accountable its me .Please hang me for I have put the other employees in danger.", and started to cry in a gut wrenching tone.

To this the COP assured him that the culprit will be caught and punished ,and he need not worry if he is innocent.

Next the COP asked the day guard to come in.

Mr.SHERSINGH sat opposite to the S.I and started to narrate his story-" Sir.Im SHERSINGH DAY guard of the BANK DWDBI.Iam from amritsar But after my army service I have joined the DWDBI BANK as security guard and have been in service for 2 yrs in this village.But on my watch nothing suspicious have occured and neither the BANK employees are inolved in this robbery as per my opinion.So kindly catch the thief so that all of us can have our jobs back."

To this the COP asked -" tell me SHERSINGH about the time you arrived at the BANK."

The guard replied-" Sir, I had got up at 7 in morning and left my home by 9 am after finishing my early morning activities at home to reach the BANK .And as me and SOMA opened the main door which was already open to our surprise and was not locked, but looked locked, and as we entered the BANK we saw the locker room open with all things taken away.And then the MANAGER arrived and dialed you for help."

After hearing this the COP asked the DAY GUARD to leave and asked the MANAGER to come in.

The same way MANAGER sat and narrated his side -" Sir.Iam the MANAGER of the BANK since last 5 yrs and I have taken care of the wealth in the BANK as my own and have seen that every person who kept his money with us always felt in safe hands.But unfortunately this has happened.I guess jail is the next abode for me and my family will be thrown out of this society as a result."

The MANAGER started to tear up.

The S.I intervened and told the MANAGER to calm down.

The S.I asked how much money was there in the BANK.

To this the BANK MANAGER replied-" Sir till last thursday we had 2 lakhs in cash and gold of worth 10 lakhs in our safety lockers of the local villagers.But on friday we received a shipment of cash of 10 lakh rupees which was supposed to be distributed as loan to the local farmers who had applied for loan in the last 6 months."

The COP was shocked to hear the amount of wealth that has been stolen in such a small village.

Then the COPS asked the MANAGER to leave and asked Mrs.GEETA to enter.

She even narrated the same story as the MANAGER but also added about the VILLAGE heads' house robbery story.

Then the Clerk Mr.PUJARI came in .

He started-" Sir.Iam from KARWAR district .Iam workng in this BANK since 4 yrs and have been requesting the MANAGER and higher authorities for the new lockers and they have not taken notice of it and now we have to face the consequences.YENTHA SAAVU MARAYRE!?!". HE too narrated the same story and left.

Next came Mr.Mensinkayi and he stood shivering in front of the COPS and started to puke.

The COPS calmed him down and gave him some water and also listened to his side of the story once he recovered his strength.

Next came in Mr.BABU.

The COP asked -"What did you see in the locker room and how many times he or others enter the locker room everyday?"

To this he replied- "Sir once a year we are asked to enter the locker room to clean.And the last time we cleaned was last JANUARY and the cleaning for this year was pending next week.And other than that only clerks and MANAGER are allowed to enter the BANK locker room everyday."

To this the COP asked the 1st attender to leave.

The attender on his way out giggled.

To this the constable asked -" Why are you giggling?"

To this BABU replied-" Sir last thursday SHEKHAR my collegue had asked me to rob the BANK with him and today the robbery has taken place.WHAT A SHAME?"

And then he continued that-" But Sir after alcohol everyone gets ideas but I dont think it has anything to do with this robbery.And now I think I will loose my job and have to go back to my hometown in ANDHRAPRADESH."

The COP was angry by now and asked SHEKHAR to enter.And asked him about the incident.

SHEKHAR replied-" Sir,Iam innocent have not done anything."

The Cop said-" But your friend said you had planned to rob the bank last week."

To this the Poor chap said-" Sir ,My mother is ill and bedridden and half my salary goes in her treatment every month ,so I have taken loan from many people in the village.So with that in mind and liquor I had blabbered something like that about the heist with the help of a keymaker to BABU."

OK You can go said the COP.

On his way out the constable asked -"DID you know any keymaker?"

To this SHEKHAR replied -"YES SIR ,HANAMESHA a keymaker in our neighbouring village is very famous and I had heard about him ,so I spoke childishly to ROB with his help to BABU."

To this the S.I got suspicious and asked SHEKHAR to stay back and asked others to leave.And the S.I asked his subordinates to collect the employees' fingerprints in front of him.

By now it was 8pm on Monday and the S.I also left to his abode.

In the night the SUB INSPECTOR was thinking and rethinking about the facts of the case but to his surprise he was not able to point at any of the staff or any person of the village as the culprit in the case.

His wife REKHA called him for the supper and was shocked to see the state of her husband and asked about it.

The SI narrated the whole story. His wife asked to have food and sleep, so that he will feel re-energised by tomorrow.

The SI sent for the KEYMAKER first thing in the morning on Tuesday, but to his astonishment he was nowhere to be found.

The SI asked his constable to bring all the evidence collected from the LOCKER room and spread it on his table.He started to examine even the dust amongst the evidence materials to get some clue.He saw some paper cuttings,Old switch wires and log book and old pen refills and some waste things and even found some nails and hairs.He putback all the things in the evidence package and sat to think about the case,and by now it was evening and the constable brought tea for the SI NEGILUR.

The people of village and BANK MANAGER visited the police station in evening to know about their case investigation.But to their surprise they were left in vain.

But the SI promised to catch the culprit.

To this few people of the village spoke in a tone of insult to the COPS and their method of work and left.

The BANK manager informed the POLICE that his higher authorities are visiting the village next day and it would be his last day as the MANAGER and left the POLICE STATION with tears in his eyes.

The SI was in so much tension that he left the STATION and went home that night and was sitting in his house VERANDAH under the moonlight and his wife came calling to him for his dinner.But the SI was in his deep thoughts.

The wife shouted at him to stop thinking about work so much and take some rest.She even blabbered-"AYYO,you take so much tension ,do you think this is the only village in the world.As we wake up everyday we read in NEWS papers about so much crime in this world,so much politics ,money ,mafia and other crimes.One should learn to be calm always and work like our SUPERSTAR R.KUMAR who doesnt care about ups and downs in his life but keeps working with confidence to reach his goals with personal content,he even didnt bother when the neighbouring SUPERSTAR from ANDHRA  GTR contested elections and became CM.Our R.KUMAR always takes correct decisions."

To this the SI looked at his wife angrily and shouted at her to go inside.

After sometime the COP went in to have his dinner and saw a strand of hair in his food for which he got very angry at his wife ,and at this moment it clicked in his mind.He sat there in front of his food holding the hair strand in his hand for quite some time.

His wife REKHA came out from kitchen to  see this and she was very scared about what is going to happen next.

But to her Surprise the COP jumped from his chair and started to shout-" EUREKA >>>EUREKA..."

To this his wife in a scared voice said -"Im REKHA ...REKHA ..not EUREKHA"

The SI looked at his wife and kissed on her forehead and said -" No my dear wife its EUREKA!! and I have solved the case because of you.Thank you."

To this wife was very happy and asked-" How did you solve it?"

To this SI replied-" I need to go to the STATION now will tell you everything later."

The SI asked the constable to get SHEKHAR out of the cell,and feed him.And also dialed BANK manager and asked him to get all his employees the next day to the POLICE STATION.

The SI arranged all his evidence and was sitting ready in the POLICE STATION allnight.

The next morning the BANK employees and village HEAD came to POLICE STATION and asked the COP about the reason for their summon.

The COP made everyone of them to sit down.And said-" I have solved the case and have all the money in my custody and culprit is sitting amongst you right now."

To this the BANK manager started to cry with joy and asked to tell about the whereabouts of the money.

The COP then asked his constable to get hold of Mr.BABU and pointed at him and yelled-" He is the MASTER thief."

To this whole gathering was shocked and everyone asked the COP what was the evidence to prove it.And also Mr.BABU started to shout Iam innocent the MANAGER and the COP are framing me to save their jobs and faces in front of everyone and pleaded for help from the villagers.

Now it was all above the limit for the COP and he jumped towards BABU and slapped him so hard that he fell to the ground with bleeding mouth.The COP shouted-" YOU ROGUE,YOU RASCAL,YOU THIEF."

To this the villagers calmed the SI and asked him tell everything clearly.

Then the COP had some water and sat in front of the villagers and started to narrate the real story-"During the collection of evidence I came across few things from the crime scene,which had many things but there was a thing with SHAAYI (INK) which solved the whole case."

To this the constable interrupted -" But Sir mere refills doesnt prove his crime."

"No" ,said the SI and exclaimed-" The evidence was the INKED human nail .Yes the indelible!! ink"

To this everyone was shocked.

SI continued-" Yes ,the human waste I got form the crime scene had a NAIL with INK on it and it is not some normal INK but the indelible ink which we use for voters during the elections.And recently there were assembly elections in ANDHRA and Mr.GTR is new CM of that state now."

To this poor villagers asked -" please explain in detail ,how is that election connected to our village robberies Sir.?"

The SI grabbed the collar of BABU and continued-" Look Mr.BABU comes from ANDHRA ,although he is married to a girl from our village his voting card is registered in ANDHRA where his parents live.So two months back he had gone to vote in his homestate and the EC indelible INK was put on his left INDEX finger.And he had not taken into notice about that toomuch.But On Sunday night when he planned the BANK robbery with KEYMAKER HANAMESHA .....YES the keymaker from nearby village ,during the robbery they had put chlorofrom over guard's face and had opened the locks and entered the locker room and had robbed the bank ,but during the robbery due to his BIG and SHARP nails one of his i.e. BABU's nails chipped off and fell into the crime scene.And during the investigation and fingerprints collection I had observed that only two people that is the MANAGER and BABU had cut their nails properly although BABU's were little bit uneven ,and rest of them had not.And when I remembered this all the case came stumbling down to my feet.And today morning we had informed local POLICE of ANDHRA of BABU's locality and they have caught HANAMESHA and BABU's brother in law at BABU's paternal house with all the ROBBED money of all 4 robberies of the village since last 6 months."

To this the villagers with more surprise with unified tone asked-" ALL 4 robberies?"

Yes smiled the SI-" HANAMESHA was the culprit behind the first 3 robberies ,but he had kept a low profile ,but was famous as the BEST KEYMAKER in nearby villages ,which reached BABU's ears via SHEKAR his collegue.On friday the 10 lakh shipment reached the BANK and on SUNDAY evening BABU visted HANAMESHA for the help. To his surprise HANAMESHA agreed to ROB the same night,as he shared the stories of his previous triumphs."

"Next after the Robbery BABU and HANAMESHA took the wealth in BAGS and took them to BABU's home on his cycle and in the midnight of SUNDAY BABU sent his brother in law to his home town along with HANMESHA and their wealth in BULLOCK cart ,and HANAMESHA had also taken all his belongings from his home on the way to ANDHRA as he thought he would never return back.BUT to his surprise the SHAAYI (INK) became their enemy."

To this BABU shouted -" Iam innocent ,I have nothing to do with this crime.Please save me."

Again the SI looked at BABU and said-" BABU ,the nail has the ink which usually remains for 1-3 months on the nails of the voter from the day of the application of the INK.And  there is new technique now a days which can prove that nail belongs to you via DNA testing.And even HANAMESHA and your brother in law have already accepted their crimes.So its better if you accept yours rather than creating a scene."

To this BABU looked at the sky and started to cry and fell down to earth ,and shouted in a heavy voice-" YES its me ...YES its me...I beg each one of you to forgive me."

To this the villagers tried to charge towards BABU, but the constables stoped it and took BABU into the cell and locked him.

The SI requested the villagers to calm down and asked BANK MANAGER and his superiors who had come from BANGALORE to wait till further formalities before they get their money and gold back.

To this all the villagers dispersed to their homes along with their VILLAGE HEAD.On the way back HEAD promised for a huge celebration at the village and appropriate prize for the SI and his team for their work.

The BANK manager thanked the SI and his team for such swift work.And left to his home back with his seniors.The seniors also promised the MANAGER for the new LOCKER for the BANK.

The SI told to his subordinates that he is going to get a good sleep and rest after along time and left to his quarters.

The SI's wife REKHA asked the SI on his arrival about how he solved the case and WHO IS EUREKA?

To this the SI sat in the verandah of his house and looked at his wife and said -"PLEASE SEE TO IT THAT I DONT GET HAIR STRANDS IN FOOD DURING THE DINNER TONIGHT."


                                               - Dr.B-rainbow-91


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