words matter


Saturday, March 18, 2023



                                   πŸ˜‡ HOLEYUVA  KALLU  πŸ˜‡

                                      LUMINOUS CARBUNCLE  

It was a stormy night and the tribe of a distant undiscovered island in the south of our earth were celebrating U-G-A-D-I the new year day in their calendar at the shore of the sea.Their tribe head was praying to GODS of nature for their blessings ,so that they can have a peaceful year ahead.

A broken Wooden log with an unconscious MAN like creature with blue thick trousers in it reached floating to the sea shore with a BIG weird cloth bag attached to one end of the LOG.

The tribe were very curious about this coloured log with a new creature which/who appeared similar to them but with more body hair and fair skin.

The tribe head  OOR HEPPLYA  asked his subordinates to carry the log with them and take it to the centre of their village where they had their houses with natural forest food stored for future.

The storm waned its severity as the night passed and SUN began to erupt from one end of the island.

The MAN like creature started to gain his consciousness and all the tribal people jumped to the trees near to them and watched the creature come out of the log.The MAN walked out with bent wounded knees and tried to reach for water which was kept in a BIG stone with hollow in it near to one of the houses of the village.

The MAN then looked at the tribe and shouted "CAN YOU HELP ME?" 

No one answered .

The MAN then made use of sign language to ask for food but the tribe didnt understand.Finally the man due to weakness fell unconscious again.

The tribal head OOR HEPPLYA called for a meet with his herd of around 100 near their HOLY COTTAGE and told everyone to carry the MAN and make him sleep in the HOLY COTTAGE so that he can get cured with the LOCAL GODS energy and from the nursing of tribal ladies.

3 days went by and a weird kind of light started to shine in the COTTAGE and the MAN walked out of the HOLY COTTAGE made of broken wood pieces and large leaves of the island trees.

He came out and tried to make friendship with the tribal people as they saved his life.

Days passed , months passed after that ,and MAN learned the local language of the tribe and started to live with them as he had no escape plan to leave the island.

First few days he taught the tribal people how to make fire using stones ,with which the tribe started to make food in a more better way.

Next few days the MAN taught people how to make a farmland and practice agriculture grow crops by using seeds from the forest fruits and grains.

After that he taught them to make clothes using LOTUS silk strands which grew in a muddy lake in the centre of the island.

The tribe then started to ask for more information everyday to the MAN.

The MAN used to go in HOLY COTTAGE every night and sit for meditation and ask GOD for help and a strange light use to shine around the bushes of small cottage ,and next day the MAN used to teach new things ,and answer the tribes' questions and use to make them more wiser.

After a year the MAN finally fully acclimatized to the lifestyle of the tribe asked the TRIBAL HEAD OOR HEPPLYA to give him permission to teach his people the language he knew i.e. ENGLISH.

The MAN then started to teach the tribe about ALPHABET characters he knew.

After many months the younger kids of the tribe learnt more quickly to speak the ENGLISH language but still had not the grip over learning and writing as it was little tough for them compared to their local improper dialect.

One day the Tribal heads' son OOR BADDIMAGA made a personal request to his master THE MAN to let him see what gets illuminated in MAN's cottage every night when he goes to sleep and next day the light will not be there when the people go to see the MAN in his cottage.

The MAN agreed and showed the young lad well carved carbuncles/stone like boxes which were in the fair guys' weird cloth bag.One stone was big and another was slightly small with shiny surface on one side.There was a provision to connect the both stones together with a small black rope with unique ends to it.

The lad asked the MAN -"Can you show me how the light appears?"

The MAN replied -" No, only the enlightened can see the light."

The lad asked again and pleaded -" See master next month I want to get married to love of my life and want to know whether I will be able to impress her. So I request you to give me the power and knowledge to use the stones so that I can impress my girl OOR SUNDRI like no one else.

The MAN with angry face rejected and went for a stroll after hiding his stones in his cottage near the HOLY GODS statues of the tribe ,so that no one can touch it thinking any such act should bring bad luck onto the tribe.

The young lad was very disappointed with the MAN and decided to do something to win the MAN's confidence so that he can get married to OOR SUNDRI.

A few weeks passed and it was again the new year's day for the tribe  i.e. their U-G-A-D-I and the young lad decided to finally win the confidence of his master THE MAN and learn about his precious stones/carbuncles.

In the mid noon he went near the abode of the tribal head where everyone had assembled to think of new year celebrations plans.

The young lad suggested -" As the sea is quite this year we will celebrate the new year's eve in the small round boats we have tied near shore which we use for fishing."

To that everyone agreed.Even the MAN agreed.

The celebrations started with a local folk dance of the tribal girls and then the sweet dishes were served to everyone which was prepared using FIRE knowledge and different recipes given to them by the MAN.

The tribal head was very happy and asked the MAN to ask for any offering he could offer in return for his generous nature towards the tribe.

Then came the MAN's TIME?!?

The MAN asked the head  to give him permission to get married to OOR SUNDRI. 

The head agreed without knowing his own sons' desire towards the same girl.

This Infuriated the young lad OOR BADDIMAGA.He decided to take some action so that the MAN never gets married to the girl he loves.

The Young lad went to the MAN and asked -"Why did you ask for the girl when you knew I loved her?"

To this the MAN replied -" See young boy the Stones/carbuncles have asked him to do like that."

To this the young lad got more infuriated and decided to teach the MAN a lesson of his life.

The young lad then offered his regards to his master and left for further festive celebrations for the evening.

The young lad went in deep forest of the island to get an intoxicating drink from a specific kind of tree groups ,which made the drinker have an alcohol like effect after drinking.It was called SOMRASA.

The lad returned with mud pots with the drink in them to the tribal abode where celebrations were on for the NEW YEAR.

The lad asked tribal head to ask everyone to assemble near their island coast port where they had their small boats so that they can enjoy the NEW YEAR in MOONLIGHT and have the feast of night.

To this everyone agreed including THE MAN.

Then the young lad rushed to the HOLY GODS abode and took the BIG STONE/carbuncle  of MAN with its unique rope and hid it in his tribal attire near his BANAnaNA (private part in tribal language).😁

And the lad left to the shore.

After few hours OOR BADDIMAGA went near the MAN in one of the boats where he was feasting and offered him the special drink he had got from the forest.

The MAN tasted the drink and asked for more as it was very tasty, and after few gulps he started to lose his consciousness. The young lad then asked few other men who were in the same boat to leave as the MAN needed to sleep. To that the people agreed and left.

Then the lad tookout the stone and hit it hard on the head of the MAN and saw to it that the MAN finally lost his consciousness.Then the lad tied the stone to MAN's hands with the special rope so that he cant swim if he wakes up while drowning.Slowly the lad rowed the boat which contained the MAN off the shore so that it floated to the middle of nowhere.He even took the long sticks which were there in the boat and swam back to the shore to rejoin the festivities of the tribe.

Everyone enjoyed the night and slept off with bloated bellies filled with feast and local sweet drink extracts from fruit trees of the island.

The next Day the tribe gathered near the HOLY COTTAGE to see that the MAN has left their island with the BOAT.

Everyone wept and taught it was badluck.

But the young lad intervened and told everyone that the MAN had left with his own consent and now wanted to visit the heaven to meet GODS ,and thus he had left with the BOAT of their village.

Then the lad announced -" As the OOR SUNDRI was to be married to the MAN ,now she can be married only to the next heir of the tribal head and that is me."

To this whole tribe gathered near the HOLY COTTAGE to complete the OOR BADDIMAGA and OOR SUNDRI's marriage ritual.

But one small kid searched the bag of the MAN which was left behind in the cottage and it contained one small beautiful stone/carbuncle.This young kid OOR BADYA then held it up and took to the tribal head who was standing next to the HOLY GODS statue in the cottage.

The Head OOR HEPPLYA then held the luminous stone with its unique ALPHABET engraving and looked it with his twinkly eyes and announced that - "The MAN, our master has left us his souvenir to be kept safe in this HOLY COTTAGE next to HOLY GODS STATUES ,and this carbuncle would bring us the good luck and blessings of the GODS."

From that day on the light never appeared in the HOLY COTTAGE and OOR BADDIMAGA was happily married to OOR SUNDRI.

One year later on the new year eve.The tribal head was beaming with happpiness as he was blessed with a grandson and wanted to keep a naming ceremony for him.To this he asked all tribal folks to think of a name and assemble near the HOLY COTTAGE in the evening for the ceremony and also for the new year's feast.

In the evening everyone assembled and decided on one thing which was suggested by OOR BADYA and that was to keep the name of the neonate after the engraving on the carbuncle/stone left behind by their master THE MAN.

To this everyone agreed. The whole tribe performed the naming ritual.

Finally the head OOR HEPPLYA held his grandson high to the RED BLUE SKY of the evening and announced the name of the neonate with his baritone voice so that everyone can hear in the assembly, i.e. S--A--M--S--U--N--G --G--A--L--A--X--Y--M--3--1--S--A--T--E--L--L--I--T--E--P--H--O--N--E.

(Need more logic?????

P.S.- The BIG STONE tied with special rope onto the hands of the MAN was having engraving 

R-E-C-H-A-R-G-E-A-B-L-E- -S-O-L-A-R-- P-O-W-E-R-- B-A-N-K  ,and the rope was

 C-H-A-R-G-E-R--O-F--S-A-T-E-L-L-I-T-E- -P-H-O-N-E) πŸ˜‡


                                                    - Dr.B-rainbow-91