words matter


Friday, February 11, 2022



                     πŸ“‘ SPARSHATANTHU πŸ“‘


        I never thought of sharing this story on social media, until I saw a SCI-FI movie today.This is NUTAN a 30 yr old unemployed graduate or one can call me "ENTREPRENEUR" but without a startup idea or without any idea about life, currently residing in Haveri district of North Karnataka (INDIA) with 5 Youtube subscribers to my Youtube channel.

       Now coming to my story, which shook my sense of knowledge we all have about our surroundings. 

        In 2013, it was a cold winter day on November 1st when I decided to visit one of my uncle (Ramaswamy) and aunt (Laxmi) who resided at SHRIHARIKOTA ,ANDRAPRADESH.As my uncle worked in POSTAL DEPARTMENT he was transferred every now and then to differernt cities,and this time it was SHRIHARIKOTA-the satellite launch pad of INDIA.

On 2nd November 2013 evening ,I reached Shriharikota at around 6pm and with utmost difficulty found the address and reached the locality where my uncle and aunt lived using an AUTO from bus stop  which had steam engine exhaust polluting the air.

     As soon as I entered the small gated area of five houses which looked like old Govt Quarters lined up like train compartments with uniform blue paint on their walls, I stumbled upon a small girl who was playing near the first quarters /house, and I  saw that she was playing with a big Dragonfly and had tied its tail to a lengthy thread and had tied the other end of the thread to an ANT, and was taking pleasure of view of ANT'S free air flight without passport and visa.

(Sorry was joking. Disclaimer: No dragonfly or ant were injured in this fiction)

       I stopped the small girl held her hand and asked -"Hey child could you please tell me which of these quarters belongs to Mr.Ramaswamy ?"

     The girl got shockingly disturbed by my words, ran to her house ,and her DAD  Mr.Mutthu with grey moustache came out and pointed out the quarters where I should be going.And it was the 3rd house from the main gate.

     My aunt was sitting in the hall watching her favourite evening SITCOM ,she was angry on me for disturbing her SITCOM time  but as we say "ATHITHI DEVO BHAVA" in INDIA she had to welcome me with smile, and after receiving me into the house she told me to sit in the hall and went to fetch water for me from kitchen.

    After serving me the water aunt told- "Your uncle will be home any minute ,you please freshen up so that you can have tea with your uncle on his arrival from office".

   I nodded with a smile and went to Bathroom in the backyard of the house to freshen up.And then I kept my luggage in guest room.By this time it was 7.30pm and my uncle came back from office and was very happy to see me and enquired about my parents wellbeing and sat down in the hall with me to savour tea and snacks.We chatted till 9 pm ,and aunt called from kitchen to come and have dinner.

   After the little chat with uncle and aunt ,and supper, I retired to the guest room .As it was part guest room and part store room ,few of the old things were also kept in that room.I saw an old  RADIO-cum-Casette player πŸ“» on the top of dress cabinet, and due to my curiosity took it to examine whether it works ,as there were no casettes in the room ,I tried to put on the radio ,but to my bad luck it also didnt play anything properly due to BAD SIGNAL .I then put it aside and slept.


   It was 3AM on November 3rd 2013 ,my uncle and aunt were in deep sleep in their bedroom ,but my sleep broke to a voice.

    "MAYDAY -MAYDAY ,the opponent has seen us I guess ,and we heard the opponent speaking to higher authority and they have named us Intruder A ,Intruder B ,Intruder C.And they are trying to track our activities on regular basis "

     This is what I heard in that 3 AM silence and it shook me to the core.I thought it was someone outside the house and I didnt shake an inch for about 3mins.And then again I heard.

      "MAYDAY -MAYDAY, the opponent is creating  trouble on a regular basis ,and it has become impossible to reach the launch site with the equipment."

      This time I came to know that the sound/voice was coming from the RADIO which I had kept next to me on table before I went to sleep.

       I woke up with courage and looked around.The voice came for 2-3 times more with same messages and vanished.

        The next day I narrated the incident to my uncle.He was shocked.He reported the incident to the Police station and it was informed to the top officials,that the satellite launch site may be in grave danger or under attack,as India was planning its MOM (MARS ORBITER MISSON) spacecraft launch on 5th NOV 2013 from SHRIHARIKOTA.

      Ofcourse my aunt was BBC of the gated community and had spread the news to the 4 houses in the vicinity.

     The next night I was called to an unknown undercover place in the city with my uncle and with the RADIO by the POLICE .To my astonishment it was the NATIONAL SECURITY TEAM of INDIA who were there and they instructed us to stay the night with them ,and asked me to fix the frequency on the RADIO so that they can hear from the people who were trying to attack the launch site on the day of the MOM launch.

    We all retired to the main room after having little refreshments ,and I started to fix the frequency on RADIO ,but to my bad luck it was of no use.Then I suggested the team ,that we should better go back to the Guest room of my uncle's home ,to which they agreed.

   I with my uncle and 2 other officers went back to my uncle's residence.As it was a HUSH-HUSH thing we went in to the house without making any noise outside .

  Then I fixed the frequency and it was about 3AM on 4th Nov 2013 ,a voice message was heard.

      "MAY DAY -MAY DAY ,we will reach the launch site at 3 AM tomorrow and by using the co-ordinates we have received from our secret branch we will make sure the work is done at the launch site"

    Another voice appeared " ROGER that INTRUDER A",and the line was disconnected .

   On hearing this the officers who were with me ,rushed back to their main office to inform about the attack.The police force of the whole city was alarmed.The new whole TASK force was setup to catch the people who were going to damage the country's plan for the MOM launch on 5th NOV 2013 .The INDIAN scientist team was informed that if the INTRUDERS are not caught the mission has to be stopped till further notice. 

   The 5 houses /train compartments of the gated community were shaken of their track due to the news ,and it was informed that it is a secret mission and the news should not spread out of the community/compound walls.

   The next day I was made again to switch on the RADIO at 2AM i.e. on 5th NOV 2013 and at 3AM a voice was heard.

    "Your Highness we are at the NORTH  of the launch site and we will carry out the mission as planned ".

     The other voice on the RADIO said-"ROGER that INTRUDERS".

      The TASK force was told to go to the NORTH of the launch site ,and they fled as fast as they can ,and at 6AM we received a call from the SECURITY COUNCIL office that 2 people are neutralized ,who were planning to sabotage the MOM launch near the NORTH of the satellite launch site of SHRIHARIKOTA city ,and all of us at home rejoiced ,and my aunt who was angry on my visit was showering words of affection as I was made a HERO by the Security team for the "WAVELENGTH" accomplishment.

     At 7AM again we heard a message on the RADIO -"Mission aborted as 2 INTRUDERS  (A and B) down " ,"I repeat Intruders down ,Mission aborted."

      The other voice on the RADIO said -"Report to the centre comrade and wait for the next orders".

        It was of great surprise that the Intruders had a centre and may try an attack later.But that day MOM launch took place and whole country rejoiced.And as I had a major role in its safe launch I was promised recognition award for my service to the country ,and was told to not to mention about the incident to any media or outside person as it was of utmost important security matter.And even the community members were strictly ordered.

    As I was about to leave the next day back to my hometown ,I took blessings of my uncle and aunt and wished them good, and took my luggage ,and greeted few members of the community and strolled towards the gate where an prebooked AUTO was waiting for my pick up to take me to the BUS STATION.

  As I was walking towards the AUTO the child of the first quarters who had met me on my arrival appeared again and greeted me bye .I asked her -"WHAT is your name?'

   She politely replied -" Madhu"

   I said "Sweet name ".And asked her what she felt about the previous day happenings in the gated community.

    She replied -"I am Sorry ,I was not present there near your home ,where everybody was present to witness the RADIO messages which helped the country,although I didnt understand,my DAD told not to talk about it to anybody".

    I with brows widened said to the girl- "Well thats nice, that you will not tell about it to anybody.But were you asleep that night?".

     To my query MADHU replied -" No ,I was busy killing the 3 cockroaches in our kitchen who were roaming around in our kitchen since many days.As my parents were sitting outside that night ,I silently crawled into the kitchen as I knew the Nocturnal roaches would appear and it was the best time to catch them and spray the insecticide over them.So I waited in kitchen that night in dim light, but only 2 cockroaches came out and I sprayed them with Insecticide. And they died ,they were very black and their skin was very smooth with shiny wings ,and the most important their ANTENNAE were not like the common roaches ones ,but were very sharp and long and strong.You know I had named them as INTRUDERS A,B and C ,but to my bad luck C escaped."

    I was shocked for a second on hearing the child's narration.

    Then with dried throat I asked her " Can you show me the dead Cockroaches?"

     The child with a smile replied -"No ,I tied their ANTENNAE to a big DRAGONFLY's tail that I had caught in our garden and ,it flew away with the dead roaches".

      To this I looked at the girl with very sad face and touched her head and said-"Ok ,next time catch Mr.C... sorry....Intruder C ".

      And then  I walked  up to the AUTO which waited for me for the last 15 mins and got into it ,and ofcourse the driver was about to charge me for that waiting time also.Then I reached the Bus stop and got into my booked BUS ,and believe me I didnt sleep,the whole journey I thought to myself and questioned to myself  that -"Was that attack real ?,Were real Intruders  killed? Did I receive the message from the INTRUDERS or COCKROACHES on RADIO ?,DID the Roaches have advanced ANTENNAE for communication which can decode human language and also send signals? ,Are  humans the only ones who are evolved and trying to go in space or the other species are also working in a parellel  manner to us to go into the SPACE to  find ALIEN Life or other Habitable Planet?"

Yeah I know after listening to my story you may ask me -" Are you Nutan?"  or "ARE YOU NUTS?"
