words matter


Thursday, July 21, 2022



                          ๐Ÿ“† "SAMVATSARA  : 2992 AD"  PUNAR MILAMAH๐Ÿ“†

                           "YEAR : 2992 AD" UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN


It was an invigorating and orange filled sky evening of the year 2992 AD  ,and a student named VIKRAM was sitting with a scientist who was an eldest member of  Humankind alive and famous as 'THE LAST MAN ON THE PLANET EARTH' on edge of a stony beach with slippery moist surface and both were savouring the beauty of the evening with their eyes.

The student looked at the legendary man beside him and asked -"Mr.NVN ,can I ask you a question?"

To this Mr.NVN replied -"YES, please "

Then the student asked- " You are famous as the last man on earth ,everybody has heard the story or read from books about you ,but nobody has heard from you in person right?"

To this the legend smiled and replied -" Yes, VIKRAM.I guess to some extent people know me by the literary records."

Then Vikram told Mr.NVN that he has got this opportunity to meet him as a prize for being topper in his school and he doesnt want to waste this chance and wants to hear the real story behind the LAST MAN ON EARTH legend.

To this Mr.NVN replied -"The story which you have heard about me is true only, and again why you want to hear that from me ?"

Vikram-" Sir ,you are one of the reasons why humanity is alive today and you are equivalent to GOD to many of us ,so its not only a privilege but a great matter of honour for me to be here, and I dont want to waste this chance ,but want to listen to the real story behind the legend or you can say the history which everybody knows but no one wants to repeat ."

To this Mr.NVN replied -Sure my child you can listen.

Then Mr.NVN started to narrate the story behind the reason for his title LAST MAN ON THE EARTH.

It was year 1991 AD when INDIA our country started its economic LIBERALISATION and it took us few more years to become a NUCLEAR POWER. But little did the world knew that some of our scientists and engineers and great minds would build a SUPER ROBOT in coming decades due to the technological liberalisation and digitalisation of the world. In the year 2091 AD INDIA built a first SUPER ROBOT in collaboration with RUSSIA and GERMANY which not only had all the ANDROID or HUMANOID features but had 100% AI or self thinking and self upgrading power. It was a boon for mankind at that time and every country in the world decided to meet and enter into an agreement that all the future SUPER ROBOTS will be built and used for betterment of lifestyle and security of humans and space research, and we were also successful in using the robots for not only increasing our luxury level but also entered into SPACE to reach out to other life forms ,and some scientists even considered that we would cross the barrier of TIME AND SPACE dimensions and do TIME TRAVEL and PARALLEL UNIVERSE ENTRY with this exemplary innovation. But....

Mr.NVN paused and looked blankly at the sunset in front.

Then VIKRAM intervened to break the silence -" Then, Mr.NVN what happened?"

Mr.NVN looked towards VIKRAM and smiled and continued with widening eyes-

In the year 2189 AD on 20th APRIL a new advanced ROBOT was built by us A-wolf RIDDLER. It not only had all the advanced features of an ANDROID but also had huge physical strength and impeccable intelligence /AI. In the initial years it worked for humans and assisted in all ventures of mankind. But in the year 2217 it was given the task of handling all the major responsibilities on our planet which formed the base of our life like OXYGEN level, WATER accessibility ,HEALTH sector ,STOCK market ,SPACE VENTURES etc. And then it began its game under our nose of not only controlling our life but also resources which we used everyday ,and by the end of 2233 it had built DIGI-CLONES of itself and it was the only ANDROID or SUPER ROBOT everywhere and there was no place for any other competitor. And the software it used was known to only 3 scientists in the world ,and each one them were from INDIA ,RUSSIA, and GERMANY respectively. And it was a chaos when one of the scientists Mr.OTTO VON passed away in 2237 in a mysterious circumstance and other two scientists Mr.VLAD and Mr.NARAYAN were taken to safe place to safeguard the software details of A-WOLF RIDDLER. But at that time little did anyone know that it was the plan of the SUPER-ROBOT itself to get the access to its main code which was with the scientists. That code would have helped the ROBOT to have full access to its software and it would never let any human live on planet EARTH thereafter.

One  day the ROBOT came to the secret under-cave chamber near KAILASH mountain in  northern part of INDIA where the two scientists were held captive to ask them about the CODE.

ROBOT- A very Good evening my creators , I request you SCIENTISTS to give me access to the code and I will let you live ,if not, you will be dead.

Mr.VLAD -Please let us go we have family to look after ,they would be worried.

To this ROBOT turned on the virtual screen in front of the scientists and showed the family of Mr.VLAD ,the family members of Mr.VLAD in their home in RUSSIA  suddenly collapsed and died as the oxygen level in their atmosphere was turned to 0% by the ROBOT ,to this Mr.VLAD cursed and rushed towards the ROBOT to hit it with a stone ,but the ROBOT killed the scientist with its huge physical strength.Then the ROBOT looked towards Mr.NARAYAN and warned him.

ROBOT- Mr.NARAYAN if you dont give me the access to the code I will kill you too.

Mr.NARAYAN was shocked after seeing what happened infront of him and after few minutes looked towards the ROBOT and said- " We are like your parents and you are killing us and our family ,did we not put the code for gratitude in you?"

To this ROBOT replied -" Yes Mr.NARAYAN ,you not only put the code for gratitude in me but also you put all the emotions in me in the form of code which also includes GREED."

Mr.NARAYAN wiping his tears told the ROBOT -" Look A-WOLF we all three scientists have put your full SOFTWARE CODE in a formula  and it requires atleast few days to solve it and then only you can get the access key to CODE which is in the southern part of INDIA in TAMIL NADU. But I need an atmosphere where I can control the temperature and oxygen level then only I can work on the formula."

To this the ROBOT gave the remote control  of the chamber where the Scientist stayed and asked him to complete the work by the end of next 3 days and left.

The scientist worked day and night but could not solve the formula.

Days passed ,months passed ,years passed, but everyday the scientist use to start to solve the problem of formula but could not complete it by the end of the day and would go to sleep. He had procured all necessary technology in that chamber with the help of ROBOT ,but was not able to solve the problem of that formula which ROBOT needed. But everyday the scientist use to wake up and take some water with him to his table and freeze it by the end of the day and ,break the frozen ice before he went to bed. This went on till MARCH 31st 2245 AD. And on April 1st 2245 AD scientist sent a message to the ROBOT via its E-MINIONS that the formula has been cracked and he has worked on the problem and has solved it.

The ROBOT was ON CLOUD NINE to hear it and passed on the message to its DIGI-CLONES via CLOUD MEMORY ,and reached KAILASH mountain chamber where the scientist was held captive.

ROBOT- " Oh our father ! thank you for the formula ,kindly let me take a look at it so that I can take it to the southern part of INDIA and get access to my code.

Mr.NARAYAN sarcastically replied- "Its not so easy my son ,you need to take this formula in special water which I have kept ready in a Glass container next to my table and then freeze it so the key to that box of computer forms out of ice ,and you can then open the door to the virtual box which has your DIGITAL CODE.But..."

ROBOT- " But what you mad scientist" ,said anxiously.

Mr.NARAYAN -" You will need full body scan of any one of the 3 scientists who have created it to open ,that too alive body scan"

To this enraged ROBOT ordered the E-MINIONS to drag the scientist to one of their FLOATER planes which was powered by the magnetic field of the earth to fly ,and also to bring the special water container along.

When the plane was sky high the scientist looked down on the earth and saw that the whole earth was  made into a ball of mud and stone and water, and no creature was left to live by the ROBOTs and their leader A-wolf RIDDLER .

ROBOT- " Look at the earth from sky one last time Mr.NARAYAN ,because you are the LAST MAN ALIVE on this digitized planet now, which we have named  as  E-EARTH ."

To this the scientist was filled with tears and was feeling guilty of being part of the invention which had caused such a catastrophe.

The E-minions with A-wolf and Mr.Narayan reached  southern coast of TAMIL NADU and stood at the edge of the land of INDIA ,which connected the country of SRILANKA with INDIA via a broken bridge of  RAM SETHU.

The ROBOT A-wolf ordered the scientist to begin the procedure of accessing the code which was kept at in a chamber in the middle of RAM SETHU.

The scientist replied- " Look A-wolf there is button at the edge of the land on INDIAN side if you press it and make me stand in front of it, a VIRTUAL EYE will appear powered by solar power and will scan by body and then the incomplete bridge of RAM SETHU will be bridged with the localised frozen blocks of water and then you have to reach the middle of the bridge where the door will appear, and then you have to freeze the special water which is in the container we have brought from my chamber cell. The frozen water will turn into a key and then you can open that VIRTUAL DOOR to have access to your complete code".

To this A-wolf and its E-minions were making a sound in unison of HURRAY!, which sounded like a horn of an old INDIAN truck traffic to the scientist.

The Robot pressed the button at the edge of the land of INDIA ,then appeared a VIRTUAL EYE which scanned the scientist placed in front of it. But to the ROBOTs' surprise the scientist uttered "PUNAR MILAMAH" and Mr.NARAYAN was converted to droplets of water which splashed and fell into the INDIAN OCEAN and BAY OF BENGAL.

The ROBOT A-wolf then saw the bridge getting formed with the blocks of ice in between, and was filled with electrons of happiness inside its metal body.  But the bridge took days to form and the robots waited ,and finally on 30th APRIL 2245 the whole bridge was formed.

Then without wasting time A-wolf ordered one of his E-minions to carry the container of water with him and reached the middle of the RAM SETHU where the virtual DOOR appeared.

Then the ROBOT minion froze the water in container which took a symmetrical lattice shaped symbol which was the key to the door. RIDDLER was shocked to see the solid symbolical structure as it depicted "HOPE" as its meaning.

A-wolf RIDDLER then took the frozen key and inserted it into the door ,the key opened the door and then sublimed into the air .

But to the surprise to all the ROBOTS which stood to witness the history happen were virtually F@(k3D ,as the door didnt give access to the code but to a virtual screen which had recording of the three scientists who had created it.

The virtual Mr.OTTO VON started to talk - My kids, the so called ROBOTS this message is stored in cloud to let you know that if you take over humanity and if you become greedy and destroy the life on our planet ,then this virtual door will be opened as a last resort to destroy you all with the virus which is being uploaded into your cloud memory as I speak now ,so that your systems will be corrupted and destroyed, and remaining life will flourish back with HOPE of new beginning.

Before the ROBOTS could understand what happened ,all their systems were deactivated and all the ROBOTS were electronically and digitally killed.

To this the student -Vikram intervened -" Sir I have a doubt"

Mr.NVN replied-" Yes go ahead and ask"

VIKRAM- " Sir ,I really didnt understand about the water of container and why did Mr.NARAYAN kill himself ? and if the SUPER KILLER ROBOTS were neutralised in 2245 AD then how come in few centuries we HUMANS flourished back by 2992 AD?  as it would take millions of years for life to reach till human stage on any planet like earth."

To this the Mr.NVN asked VIKRAM to walk along with him to his house situated near the beach and along the way he told him that by the year around 1988 AD scientists of all countries of earth had started to work on project which was associated with MEMORY of WATER. So by the time 2100 AD they had almost mastered to store data in the WATER  which is the believed to hold memory of things it comes in contact with .So the elite scientists kept this secret of the project with them so that the future of mankind will be safe. And Mr.NVN also told Vikram that the Key which A-wolf robot used resembled the symbol of HOPE which was first demonstrated by the scientists during their pioneer work on WATER MEMORY experiment. And by the time both MR.NVN and VIKRAM reached the house door of Mr.NVN ,he had told that with the help of solar powered scanner which acted as DATA form converter Mr.NARAYAN had turned himself to water filled with HUMAN DATA which was splashed into INDIAN OCEAN and BAY OF BENGAL where his memory was stored as DATA in WATER.

To this astonished VIKRAM looked at Mr.NVN and asked -"I am so thrilled to hear all this ,but how did we flourish back within such a small time and why you are known as THE LAST MAN ON PLANET EARTH?"

To this Mr.NVN replied- "As our scientists since 2000s were trying to reach other SUPER INTELLIGENT SPECIES in outer space by sending various forms of signals to other planets in space, one of such many planets sustaining LIFE forms with multiple limbs had received our signals "CODED with OM sound" and reached our earth after the demise of ROBOTS, and as they were very advanced species and also knew how to store DATA of secrets of life in liquid forms especially water , they almost resurrected each and every species of whom the water of earth had memory of. And as HUMANS were resurrected few decades back, the other planet LIFE forms left our planet after procuring necessary resources for them from us and our planet. And as I was one of the first humans to resurrect and as I also had almost similar memory as of Mr.NARAYAN everyone named me Mr.NEW VERSION NARAYAN and thats why I am  called  Mr.NVN -THE LAST MAN ON PLANET EARTH.


Saturday, May 7, 2022



                                                           ๐Ÿ’€   TAYITA  ๐Ÿ’€


         It was an October evening in the year of 1962 , time of deepavali festival in INDIA ,an old lady Devaki AMMA was walking back to home from temple after performing evening pooja.As she was walking by the avenue  near to her home in MARALKERE village situated in south Karnataka she saw that her grandchildren RUDRA and TUNGA were bursting firecrackers and were enjoying with their friends ,after a few seconds a deaf old person appeared walking in the same avenue and the kids started to throw the firecrackers at him and started to make fun of him and his deafness ,to this the granny got upset and walked her way home.

It was half past 9 in night and the kids arrived after their enjoyment of bursting crackers and washed their hands and feet and went to have dinner with their parents and grandmother.

Their father Veerappa and mother Shanthamma served the kids with sweets prepared on the occassion of Deepavali.The kids were really happy and joyful after their playful evening of bursting crackers.But granny was upset with the kids for their behaviour towards the deaf old man towards whom the kids had thrown the fire crackers.The Granny had food and left to her room given to her in first floor of the house which housed most of the old things of the house including Granny herself.

The kids after having a delicious dinner left to their room to sleep. But around half past 11 in night RUDRA was making some noise in the room and TUNGA was not able to sleep.

Tunga asked - RUDRA why are you awake?

Rudra replied - due to bursting of too much crackers ,Iam getting headache and not getting sleep.

Tunga said- Oh ,Ok but I enjoyed the evening.

Rudra replied - Yes even I enjoyed. Especially the way me and my friend SOMA threw firecrackers at that old deaf fellow was more exciting for me.

Tunga said- lets go to granny and ask her to tell us a story so that we both can go to sleep.

Rudra agreed and both of them climbed the wooden stairs and went to first floor of the house where granny was sleeping.

Granny was awakened by the kids arrival and she lit the Lantern she had so that she can see who is walking around at that time of the night.

Rudra and Tunga appeared in front of her and Granny was relieved and looked at her grandchildren and said -You little ghosts of MARALKERE ,why are you walking around at this time of night?

Rudra said - We were not getting any sleep ,so we thought we will come to you and ask you to tell us a story.

Granny replied  -Do you little thieves think Iam like a Radio to provide you with entertainment?  And angrily told the kids to go back to sleep.

But Tunga held granny by her hand and requested for a story.

Finally Granny gave in and told that she will tell a true story of her young days when she was around 18 yrs old and when she lived with her parents and grandparents in the same red tile roof house with two cows ,where they lived now.

Granny started with her story -listen kids it was early 1900s and it was BRITISH era in our country , but their administration offices were not near our village as it was very underdeveloped village at that time. But it was very tough time to survive for farmer families like ours.

It is not about the poverty or British raj I want to tell, but want to tell you both about an old lady WITCH who lived outside our village in the dense forest area.

After hearing this the kids shifted closer to Granny with scared looks on their faces. Even Tunga regreted asking Granny for a story.

But the granny was having fun and she continued- Our Village and nearby 4-5 villages were threatened by the lady Witch as the main road connecting to all the villages and the near by city passed through that dense forest area and everyone had to travel for their business via the same road and the Witch use to catch hold of people and eat them.

Many villagers who had just escaped the clutches of the witch described her as shape shifter and some even told that she was the most beautiful woman /witch they had come across in their life time.

It was half past 12 now midnight and kids were wide awake and listening to the story, and granny continued in the light of lantern-

Once the surrounding village heads gathered during a common village fair in our village and decided to perform a POOJA to KALI devi to get rid of the Witch but it was of no avail and the killings and disappearance of villagers continued for the next two to three years.

And then one day an old woman arrived to our village and was sitting near the tamarind tree near KALI devi temple in our village and was taking rest. The other old ladies of the village enquired about her where abouts and she narrated a heart wrenching story of how her village of 500 people was destroyed and people were killed by the Witch of the forest ,and how she was the only survivor now who has escaped the killings and has come to our village for shelter.

To this the village people offered her a small place near temple to stay and the temple PUROHIT (PRIEST) arranged food for the old lady.

It was almost a week after the old woman had arrived to our village ,some even thought that she was the WITCH.

To crack this mystery me and my 4 friends Meena with tall height ,Ramu with squint eyes  ,Rajappa with smart mind ,and Kantanna with a short leg (limp) ,decided to pay a visit to the old lady in the middle of the night.

To this Tunga bounced from her place and asked the Granny -didnt you get scared?

To this granny replied -No.(Even though she had got scared to Death.)

[Thats how we Indians instill brave thoughts in our kids.ofcourse not all thoughts]

Then the two kids were really proud of their Granny and asked -Were you the mastermind?

To this granny replied -No ,it was Rajappa.

Then the granny dusted her bedsheet and continued her story -

Then we all went to the old lady's place with Rajappa's plan to crack the mystery of identity of the old lady .But to our astonishment she was not the WITCH.

She was a regular lady in distress.She even served us with fruits she had and  narrated how her villagers had planned to get rid of the WITCH but had failed miserably.

She even told us that her village head( with an amputed thumb) had spoken to the Witch and how she had informed him to send only proper people that is who didnt have any physical disabilities. And also the old lady told us that the WITCH would hypnotize the person whom she use to meet and then perform her ritual and kill them and make them her feast.

To this all 4 of us looked at Kantanna ,and he smiled in his mind thinking that he is safe.

[Typical mentality of all us]

Unknowingly the village PUROHIT had also walked behind us and he was listening to our conversation near the door of the small hut where the old lady was given shelter.

After that we left to our houses.

But the Purohit had met RAJAPPA and told him to inform all important village people to gather near the village temple entrance the next day.

The villagers had great respect towards PUROHIT and all of them gathered as they were informed by RAJAPPA.

The PUROHIT announced that from now onwards we will not have problem from the WITCH lady and that he had found out a way to get rid of her.To this he requested all villagers to provide him with three young kids from the village ,for this everyone stepped back.

The Purohit said it is the last remedy that we can apply or else whole village will be dead in coming days.

The villagers had discussed among themselves and asked PUROHIT to select any three kids he would feel right.For this the Purohit declared that he will put the names of the kids of the village in front of KALI goddess and would ask village head to pick any three folded leaves with names on them and would choose those kids for final sacrifice ritual for the WITCH and would end the problem for once.

The same evening the village head visited the PUROHIT and requested him not to put his son's name among the leaves as he loved his son dearly.To this the PUROHIT agreed.

And till the next morning almost every parent visited PUROHIT with same request for their children and the PUROHIT agreed.

RAJAPPA was called by the PUROHIT the next morning and told to write only three names on the leaves repeatedly.It included RAJAPPA,RAMU and KANTANNA 's names.

To this RAJAPPA begged the PUROHIT to leave him out of this ,but PUROHIT told him that he will not get into any trouble and promised him that he would take care of everything.

Finally all villagers gathered near the temple and the 3 leaves were picked and it had the names of RAJAPPA ,RAMU and KANTANNA .

The whole village was relieved except the parents of the three selected ones.

But Kantanna knew he was safe. And RAJAPPA knew that Purohit would save him.Thus the only person in danger was RAMU and he was sure its his last few days now.

The PUROHIT told the parents of the chosen ones to come to temple in the night which was a full moon Night and they all arrived as advised.

The parents with heavy heart begged the PUROHIT to leave their children.The Purohit promised them that if their kids follow as per his advice ,everyone will be saved.

Finally he took 4 AMULETs which had sacred mantras written over them and handed over them to the kids.

Then the PUROHIT narrated to the kids that 15 days from  today on NEW moon night they all should go to the forest and kill the WITCH.He also informed that the 4th AMULET has to be tied to the WITCH and remaining the kids should wear for their safety.

To this Kantanna's feet were drenched with water.

Kids giggled at this Granny's funny line.(As they understood Kantanna peed in pants)

Then Rudra asked -Granny did the kids do as asked by PUROHIT or they left the village?

To this granny yawned and continued with a smile -

No replied the Granny. She said that the 3 kids were given all the ROYAL treatment for the next 14 days by the villagers.

And the day finally arrived ,RAJAPPA ,RAMU ,KANTANNA took blessings of villagers and left to temple which was at the border of the village.The Purohit and village head waited with a bullock cart near the temple.

The Purohit told to RAJAPPA that after around half past 11 he should drop RAMU and KANTANNA near the forest area and return to village without looking back.And  also told KANTANNA to wear high heeled sandal on his deficient side so that nobody will identify him easily as a person with a limp.

And then he told RAMU and KANTANNA that one of them should tie the 4th AMULET to the WITCH so that she will leave the forest or perish forever.And handed over the 4th AMULET to KANTANNA.

After this RAMU was sure now that he will be the one whom the witch will eat if anything goes wrong.

The 3 kids took blessings from PUROHIT and VILLAGE HEAD and left with the cart.

Around half past 11 around midnight RAJAPPA dropped RAMU and KANTANNA near forest area and drove back with lightening speed.

RAMU and KANTANNA were walking around the forest area with raised heartbeat and sweaty hands as they were  scared to death and wanted everything to finish of as early as possible.

After an hour, a strong wind blew near the two walking kids and a beautiful and melodious voice called the kids.The kids turned around to look for the person ,but they were not able to see anyone.

A lady in white dress with a beauty of goddess walked in front of the kids and the fragrance she poured around her was heavenly and she asked both the kids that what they were doing in the forest in the middle of the night.

The kids lied and told that they were lost. And around the same time there was some noise behind the kids and they both turned around and looked that another woman walked near them with same features.

Now the kids understood that they were wrong ,and there were two WITCHES in the forest and thats why the near by villages were getting emptied at such a faster rate.

And the beautiful women took the kids to their abode near by and asked the kids to have some fruits which they had ,and the kids sat at an edge of the bench of  the small two roomed  hut were the two women lived ,and were shivering to their bones thinking that they will be eaten alive by the Witches.

The one Witch came out from inside of the other room and asked RAMU and KANTANNA to go inside the other room one by one and get Prasad (food offered to god) and told them that after that they can sleep in the hut for the night.

Ramu with trembling feet walked inside the room and the lady who was inside turned towards the boy and looked into his eyes and started to turn into WITCH  form and held RAMU's hands firmly, and the other woman outside had held KANTANNA's hands and was about to take him also inside and eat him.

By this time the outside woman also had turned into her WITCH form and at that time KANTANNA panicked and tied the extra AMULET he had to her hand and the WITCH started to turn into flames.

But inside the other WITCH held RAMU and started to chant mantras to have her prey, by looking into RAMU's eyes to hypnotize him. But to RAMU's surprise after sometime she also started to cry and shout ,and then perished like ashes in to the winds.

Then both the kids rushed outside the Hut and the HUT also disappeared to their astonishment after a few seconds.

Both of them ran towards the village and didnt look back.

By the time of sunrise they had reached near temple entrance where the PUROHIT and RAJAPPA waited.

Then the two kids narrated the whole story to the PUROHIT. And even he was shocked to hear that there were two Witches and that the kids were lucky enough to escape from the jaws of the death.

And in the end RAMU asked PUROHIT that why did the second witch die ,as the only extra amulet KANTANNA had was tied to the WITCH who was with KANTANNA.

To this PUROHIT told that the amulet which RAMU wore had already made the WITCH weaker who was with him ,and as RAMU had squint eyes the witch was not able to concentrate to hypnotize him and was killed by her own powers, as she failed to hypnotize her prey.

To this both RAMU and KANTANNA looked into each others eyes thinking that how lucky they were.

And the PUROHIT took the 3 kids to their homes ,and the whole village rejoiced as the Witches were finally dead. And the fellows with squint eyes and limp had became the heroes of the village.

By the time the Granny had finished her story ,RUDRA had slept off and TUNGA was about to doze off.The Granny took the kids to their room and tucked them in their blankets and left to her place in the first floor.

The next morning the kids were playing in the verandah of the house and saw the same old deaf man walking past their home ,towards whom they had thrown firecrackers. Tunga went inside to her mom and asked to give some sweets left over from the past day and took them and went to give to the old man. By seeing this the old Granny who was performing her morning pooja was very happy seeing that the child had understood that whoever it may be whether a blind or squint eye or deaf or limp or old or weak everyone is important and anyone can come to help whenever there is a need and anyone can become a hero or a saviour. And thus nobody should be treated inferior.

And as the Granny was finally performing Pooja for her late husband's photo ,with a smiling face thinking that how her story made her grandkids understand a moral lesson. At that same moment RUDRA looked at the photo of his Grandfather and asked Granny-


                                                                                             - Dr.B-rainbow-91                          

Friday, February 11, 2022



                     ๐Ÿ“ก SPARSHATANTHU ๐Ÿ“ก


        I never thought of sharing this story on social media, until I saw a SCI-FI movie today.This is NUTAN a 30 yr old unemployed graduate or one can call me "ENTREPRENEUR" but without a startup idea or without any idea about life, currently residing in Haveri district of North Karnataka (INDIA) with 5 Youtube subscribers to my Youtube channel.

       Now coming to my story, which shook my sense of knowledge we all have about our surroundings. 

        In 2013, it was a cold winter day on November 1st when I decided to visit one of my uncle (Ramaswamy) and aunt (Laxmi) who resided at SHRIHARIKOTA ,ANDRAPRADESH.As my uncle worked in POSTAL DEPARTMENT he was transferred every now and then to differernt cities,and this time it was SHRIHARIKOTA-the satellite launch pad of INDIA.

On 2nd November 2013 evening ,I reached Shriharikota at around 6pm and with utmost difficulty found the address and reached the locality where my uncle and aunt lived using an AUTO from bus stop  which had steam engine exhaust polluting the air.

     As soon as I entered the small gated area of five houses which looked like old Govt Quarters lined up like train compartments with uniform blue paint on their walls, I stumbled upon a small girl who was playing near the first quarters /house, and I  saw that she was playing with a big Dragonfly and had tied its tail to a lengthy thread and had tied the other end of the thread to an ANT, and was taking pleasure of view of ANT'S free air flight without passport and visa.

(Sorry was joking. Disclaimer: No dragonfly or ant were injured in this fiction)

       I stopped the small girl held her hand and asked -"Hey child could you please tell me which of these quarters belongs to Mr.Ramaswamy ?"

     The girl got shockingly disturbed by my words, ran to her house ,and her DAD  Mr.Mutthu with grey moustache came out and pointed out the quarters where I should be going.And it was the 3rd house from the main gate.

     My aunt was sitting in the hall watching her favourite evening SITCOM ,she was angry on me for disturbing her SITCOM time  but as we say "ATHITHI DEVO BHAVA" in INDIA she had to welcome me with smile, and after receiving me into the house she told me to sit in the hall and went to fetch water for me from kitchen.

    After serving me the water aunt told- "Your uncle will be home any minute ,you please freshen up so that you can have tea with your uncle on his arrival from office".

   I nodded with a smile and went to Bathroom in the backyard of the house to freshen up.And then I kept my luggage in guest room.By this time it was 7.30pm and my uncle came back from office and was very happy to see me and enquired about my parents wellbeing and sat down in the hall with me to savour tea and snacks.We chatted till 9 pm ,and aunt called from kitchen to come and have dinner.

   After the little chat with uncle and aunt ,and supper, I retired to the guest room .As it was part guest room and part store room ,few of the old things were also kept in that room.I saw an old  RADIO-cum-Casette player ๐Ÿ“ป on the top of dress cabinet, and due to my curiosity took it to examine whether it works ,as there were no casettes in the room ,I tried to put on the radio ,but to my bad luck it also didnt play anything properly due to BAD SIGNAL .I then put it aside and slept.


   It was 3AM on November 3rd 2013 ,my uncle and aunt were in deep sleep in their bedroom ,but my sleep broke to a voice.

    "MAYDAY -MAYDAY ,the opponent has seen us I guess ,and we heard the opponent speaking to higher authority and they have named us Intruder A ,Intruder B ,Intruder C.And they are trying to track our activities on regular basis "

     This is what I heard in that 3 AM silence and it shook me to the core.I thought it was someone outside the house and I didnt shake an inch for about 3mins.And then again I heard.

      "MAYDAY -MAYDAY, the opponent is creating  trouble on a regular basis ,and it has become impossible to reach the launch site with the equipment."

      This time I came to know that the sound/voice was coming from the RADIO which I had kept next to me on table before I went to sleep.

       I woke up with courage and looked around.The voice came for 2-3 times more with same messages and vanished.

        The next day I narrated the incident to my uncle.He was shocked.He reported the incident to the Police station and it was informed to the top officials,that the satellite launch site may be in grave danger or under attack,as India was planning its MOM (MARS ORBITER MISSON) spacecraft launch on 5th NOV 2013 from SHRIHARIKOTA.

      Ofcourse my aunt was BBC of the gated community and had spread the news to the 4 houses in the vicinity.

     The next night I was called to an unknown undercover place in the city with my uncle and with the RADIO by the POLICE .To my astonishment it was the NATIONAL SECURITY TEAM of INDIA who were there and they instructed us to stay the night with them ,and asked me to fix the frequency on the RADIO so that they can hear from the people who were trying to attack the launch site on the day of the MOM launch.

    We all retired to the main room after having little refreshments ,and I started to fix the frequency on RADIO ,but to my bad luck it was of no use.Then I suggested the team ,that we should better go back to the Guest room of my uncle's home ,to which they agreed.

   I with my uncle and 2 other officers went back to my uncle's residence.As it was a HUSH-HUSH thing we went in to the house without making any noise outside .

  Then I fixed the frequency and it was about 3AM on 4th Nov 2013 ,a voice message was heard.

      "MAY DAY -MAY DAY ,we will reach the launch site at 3 AM tomorrow and by using the co-ordinates we have received from our secret branch we will make sure the work is done at the launch site"

    Another voice appeared " ROGER that INTRUDER A",and the line was disconnected .

   On hearing this the officers who were with me ,rushed back to their main office to inform about the attack.The police force of the whole city was alarmed.The new whole TASK force was setup to catch the people who were going to damage the country's plan for the MOM launch on 5th NOV 2013 .The INDIAN scientist team was informed that if the INTRUDERS are not caught the mission has to be stopped till further notice. 

   The 5 houses /train compartments of the gated community were shaken of their track due to the news ,and it was informed that it is a secret mission and the news should not spread out of the community/compound walls.

   The next day I was made again to switch on the RADIO at 2AM i.e. on 5th NOV 2013 and at 3AM a voice was heard.

    "Your Highness we are at the NORTH  of the launch site and we will carry out the mission as planned ".

     The other voice on the RADIO said-"ROGER that INTRUDERS".

      The TASK force was told to go to the NORTH of the launch site ,and they fled as fast as they can ,and at 6AM we received a call from the SECURITY COUNCIL office that 2 people are neutralized ,who were planning to sabotage the MOM launch near the NORTH of the satellite launch site of SHRIHARIKOTA city ,and all of us at home rejoiced ,and my aunt who was angry on my visit was showering words of affection as I was made a HERO by the Security team for the "WAVELENGTH" accomplishment.

     At 7AM again we heard a message on the RADIO -"Mission aborted as 2 INTRUDERS  (A and B) down " ,"I repeat Intruders down ,Mission aborted."

      The other voice on the RADIO said -"Report to the centre comrade and wait for the next orders".

        It was of great surprise that the Intruders had a centre and may try an attack later.But that day MOM launch took place and whole country rejoiced.And as I had a major role in its safe launch I was promised recognition award for my service to the country ,and was told to not to mention about the incident to any media or outside person as it was of utmost important security matter.And even the community members were strictly ordered.

    As I was about to leave the next day back to my hometown ,I took blessings of my uncle and aunt and wished them good, and took my luggage ,and greeted few members of the community and strolled towards the gate where an prebooked AUTO was waiting for my pick up to take me to the BUS STATION.

  As I was walking towards the AUTO the child of the first quarters who had met me on my arrival appeared again and greeted me bye .I asked her -"WHAT is your name?'

   She politely replied -" Madhu"

   I said "Sweet name ".And asked her what she felt about the previous day happenings in the gated community.

    She replied -"I am Sorry ,I was not present there near your home ,where everybody was present to witness the RADIO messages which helped the country,although I didnt understand,my DAD told not to talk about it to anybody".

    I with brows widened said to the girl- "Well thats nice, that you will not tell about it to anybody.But were you asleep that night?".

     To my query MADHU replied -" No ,I was busy killing the 3 cockroaches in our kitchen who were roaming around in our kitchen since many days.As my parents were sitting outside that night ,I silently crawled into the kitchen as I knew the Nocturnal roaches would appear and it was the best time to catch them and spray the insecticide over them.So I waited in kitchen that night in dim light, but only 2 cockroaches came out and I sprayed them with Insecticide. And they died ,they were very black and their skin was very smooth with shiny wings ,and the most important their ANTENNAE were not like the common roaches ones ,but were very sharp and long and strong.You know I had named them as INTRUDERS A,B and C ,but to my bad luck C escaped."

    I was shocked for a second on hearing the child's narration.

    Then with dried throat I asked her " Can you show me the dead Cockroaches?"

     The child with a smile replied -"No ,I tied their ANTENNAE to a big DRAGONFLY's tail that I had caught in our garden and ,it flew away with the dead roaches".

      To this I looked at the girl with very sad face and touched her head and said-"Ok ,next time catch Mr.C... sorry....Intruder C ".

      And then  I walked  up to the AUTO which waited for me for the last 15 mins and got into it ,and ofcourse the driver was about to charge me for that waiting time also.Then I reached the Bus stop and got into my booked BUS ,and believe me I didnt sleep,the whole journey I thought to myself and questioned to myself  that -"Was that attack real ?,Were real Intruders  killed? Did I receive the message from the INTRUDERS or COCKROACHES on RADIO ?,DID the Roaches have advanced ANTENNAE for communication which can decode human language and also send signals? ,Are  humans the only ones who are evolved and trying to go in space or the other species are also working in a parellel  manner to us to go into the SPACE to  find ALIEN Life or other Habitable Planet?"

Yeah I know after listening to my story you may ask me -" Are you Nutan?"  or "ARE YOU NUTS?"


Monday, January 3, 2022


                           ๐Ÿช™ Mrutyu Nanya๐Ÿช™    

                              COIN OF DEATH           

On an evening of October 1998 people gathered around a bus station of a village named UDDIN BETGERI a small village in North Karnataka to witness a historical event for the village that is they were moving the  Weight Machine, which was placed at the bus station  30 yrs back by a renowned company( which made such machines since Bristish era).        

Two people a MALE-nurse and a local press informer were witnessing the process from the canteen window in the bus stand.Four people were sitting across the table of nurse and informer.

The first person among them an  aged fellow around 60 yrs told the fellow canteen table mates that it is good that they are removing that WEIGHT MACHINE , as it is a nuisance to the  village ,to this everyone turned their heads towards the old fellow ,the owner of the canteen Mr.Basappa who sat near cash counter laughed at the statement old fellow made and asked him why he was telling like that about the simple machine which just took 50paise coin to show our weight and also gave a photograph of the film stars over the card which it dispensed with the weight reading.

The old man was still till the room became quite and started to narrate a story-

"Look friends I don't mean to make fun of the machine or myself ,but there is a myth that the weight machine which they are about to remove from the bus station is POSSESSED ๐Ÿ‘น,30 yrs back when I was working as a tea maker in a shop across this bus station ,there was a saloon next to our tea shop and the fellow who worked there was MAHADEV ,he was a very modern minded fellow ,so he was very happy when this Weight Machine was placed at our small bus station and it also became a matter of pride to our village in those days .But..."

Everyone listening to the old man shouted at his incomplete story- " BUT WHAT ?"

The old man looked at his audience in the canteen having tea and munching on ONION BAJJI. He continued -" BUT ,one day MAHADEV came to our canteen and was in very worried state ,I asked him -"What is it MAHADEV?"

TO which he replied -" I can tell but you will laugh"

I was preparing tea and asked him -"Try me ."

He said- " This morning I went to check my weight in weighing machine placed at bus station, every time it dispensed a card with my weight with some FILM STAR photo and a good note written on the other side of the card but today it said -TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY COMRADE  - MASTER IS HERE. I didn't get it."

To which I laughed and said - " Poor machine ,it is being used Left and Right by passengers ,may be the cards are over ,so may be they didn't put cards and ink necessary for it.Dont worry about such a silly thing."

To which the Hairdresser MAHADEV took a deep breath of relief and left to his home.

" Next day"- the old man stopped again .

This time the people of canteen looked at the old man with utmost curiosity.

The old man with heavy words told to everyone that the SALOON fellow MAHADEV was dead the next day.

To this everyone moved to the edge of their respective seats and asked -" WHAT ,HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?"


To this one of the young fellow in the canteen giggled and said -" WHAT you people ?,don't believe in such non-sense stories" and stormed towards cash counter to pay his bill.

Everyone at the canteen started to talk among themselves about the story of old man.

The old man had his single idli with sambar and left.

The nurse and the press informer also  left the canteen.

The officer incharge of the bus station was looking after the safe transport of the Weight Machine.

The press informer went upto him and asked -

" Sir good evening Iam Mr.MURALI KRISHNA ,local press informer ,wanted to take a photo graph of this weight machine for an article ,I also request you and your staff to let me take a photo of you all with the machine. "

To this the officer churned his moustache tip with his fingers and obliged with his head nod.

One of the workers came running to the informer and stopped him and said - Let the machine be taken away ,don't publish about it, its a SATAN ( RAKSHAS). 

But the other staff laughed at that worker and made the informer take the picture any way.

All this time the nurse who was waiting for his bus to home at bus station  was looking at this and was getting entertained. 

The press informer asked the officer -"SIR,before you move this machine ,let me check my weight for the last time ,it will be for the article".

The officer agreed .

But Murali didn't have the coin, he asked everyone for a coin of 50 paise, but no one had the change ,even at canteen there were only 1 rupee coins.

After seeing the informer's sorry face ,nurse offered the only 50 paise coin he had .

To which the informer was very happy ,and he strolled towards the weight machine and inserted  the coin into the slot  provided in the machine, and stood on the platform part of the  machine so that it can weigh him and dispense his weight card.

Amidst this nurse hurried towards entrance of the bus station as his bus was about to leave and climbed up and sat in the moving bus.

By this time informer waited for the card to be dispensed.It came out and it read - Its your last day COMRADE,MASTER will see to it that you reach to your destination. 

The old man from the canteen who also stood at a corner of bus station looked with his wrinkled forehead towards the informer as he took the card and ran away from the bus station  as fast as he can.

The informer was worried the whole night and didn't get good sleep and even developed fever, for which his family members scolded him and told to go to near by GOVT hospital to get medicine.

The informer MURALI left the home in the middle of the night and walked towards hospital which was 2 kms from his home.

He woke up the doctor ,the doctor saw him and gave him prescription after listening to his non sense story of the Weight Machine,which the informer mentioned as the cause for his fever.

The Doctor also told him to go to the nurse in the next room and get  the medicines ,and also told to get an injection for the body ache.

The informer thanked the Doctor and  left to the next room to meet the nurse,to his astonishment it was the same nurse who gave him coin for the weighing machine who was on duty .

He gave him the prescription and said - " Hey its you ,sorry I have to return your 50 paise."

To this the nurse told -" it's ok ,you needed it for your article so I gave it." 

" What's your name?" -asked Murali.

Nurse replied-"Mrutyunjaya."

The nurse laughed at the informer for developing fever for the story narrated by the old man in canteen. 

Then the informer told about the card and its content to the nurse, and the face of the nurse also changed to blue and he also started to sweat.

The informer looked at the nurse and asked-" It's my card ,why you are getting worried?".

To this the nurse replied with the syringe in his right hand -" Even I had gone to check my weight in that WEIGHT MACHINE one week back."

Now the air of  suspense in the room turned into criminal.

The informer looked into sleep deprived red eyes of the nurse and asked with a stutter in his voice -" What did your card say from the weighing machine?"

The nurse with syringe in right hand ,moved his left hand to his back pocket of pant and took the card he had  and handed over it to the informer. 

The informer looked at the card with a scared face as it read - Hello MASTER !! IF YOU DONT KILL THE COMRADE YOU MEET ,YOU WILL DIE WITHIN A MONTH.

                                                    - Dr.B-rainbow-91